Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Benefits of Organic Shampoo for Hair Care

We all have heard about the benefits of buying organic products and items made of organic substances. But very rarely do we have tried to investigate the benefits of organic shampoo for our hair care. This can be mainly due to the high market prices of the organic shampoos where as the normal shampoos are much cheaper in comparison. However, we must keep in mind that the traditional shampoos though are cheaper, contain various harmful chemicals and toxins that instead of maintaining our hair, compliment in their damage.

There is no doubt that organic products of all types are gaining popularity. Whether it is food, clothing or personal care products, consumers are becoming more savvy and educated. People are beginning to realize the harmful effects that the non-organic products have on their body and on the environment and therefore, the trend is shifting towards the use of organic products.

The benefits of organic shampoos and conditioner are as follows:
  • Hair and scalp receive the benefits of various natural ingredients that are present their in the shampoo.
  • Organic shampoos comprise of natural extracts without chemicals.
  • They are more gentle on the skin.
  • They contain extra vitamins.
  • They are free of toxic chemicals.
  • They are non-irritant in nature and stimulate new hair growth.
  • They don’t leave any residue behind on the scalp while rinsing.
Some of the common organic shampoo ingredients can include organic lavender water, French lavender essential oils, citric acid, organic tea tree oil, soy protein, rock salt, vitamin E, vitamin B5, chamomile herbs and bergamot amongst many others.

Organic products are not subjected to any kind of animal testing prior coming to the market. Therefore, they are preferred by many people who are against the cruel and inhumane testing of the products on the animals. The use of organic shampoos removes the risks of reactions and long term harmful products.

True organic shampoo and conditioner products offer a wealth of benefits for your hair and scalp that will be immediately noticeable. When we use organic shampoos and conditioners, we are also helping our environment by letting bio-degradable substances go down the drain and not harsh chemicals.

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